Well Carly is now two months old! Can you believe it? Time is going by so fast and my little princess is getting big!
Her stats:
- 23 1/4 inches long (80%) up from 50% at 1 month
- 11 lbs 2.5 oz (55%) up from 25% at 1 month
- Her head circumference is 40.5 (45%) down from 75 at 1 month
What has she been up to?
- She is sleeping through the night YIPEE!!!!!
- She likes her swing now which is a big help to Mommy
- She REALLY likes her Daddy now. She looks at him when he is talking to her. He takes her on adventures around the house and in the yard. Her favorite thing to do is watch TV with him!
- She still LOVES being outside.
- She smiles all the time and is cooing more and more.
- She LOVES her "animal babies" - her mobile with colored projection on it. She coos at them and cries when they turn off.
- She loves looking at herself in the mirror. We put one in the car and I LOVE looking at her in it too :)
- She loves being sung to. Unfortunately for her- I can't sing well, but she doesn't seem to mind.
The last ten weeks have been the best time of my life. I will cherish theses weeks forever. Being with her every day and watching her grow is amazing. Monday I go back to work. Although I am excited to be back at school, I will miss my baby girl so much. Neither of us (Carly or I) are going to handle it well so keep us in your prayers! Thank you Lord for this beautiful healthy baby girl!
2 months old
1 month old